Dear 99% including everyone of Wall Street occupied

The fund was established to How do you?

Everyone is occupied by the Wall Street crowd and barricades.
If you are occupying Wall Street, with the money, rather it is better or did you not seize?

Now what's going on in America?
Enclosure or not?

>Enclosure or inclosure is the process which ends traditional rights such as mowing meadows for hay, or grazing livestock on common land.
>Once enclosed, these uses of the land become restricted to the owner, and it ceases to be common land.
>In England and Wales the term is also used for the process that ended the ancient system of arable farming in open fields.
>Under enclosure, such land is fenced (enclosed) and deeded or entitled to one or more owners.
>By the 19th century, unenclosed commons had become largely restricted to rough pasture in mountainous areas and to relatively small parts of the lowlands.
>Enclosure - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The enclosure has the following two features.
(1) changes in industrial structure due to labor migration
(2) Generation of a disposable labor force that can
Is this not the same as what is happening in America today?

It's happening now in America is either not in the enclosure?

What's happening is what happened in the past USA, UK Why?
I have only UK event in the enclosure are not considered.
The enclosure seems to be not what happened in England.
I have the following hypotheses.

And colonization, or enclosure that is not applied globally?

Rationale is to have characteristics similar to the progress of enclosure in England in the colonization of Africa and India.

(1) changes in industrial structure due to labor migration
(2) Creation of a disposable labor force that can

(1) changes in industrial structure due to labor migration
>Unfortunately, without the need for subsistence farmers, not less, work more permanent military service is not considered slave labor Toka straw, yet that kind of mission was considered women's work.
>Europeans have complained that the profits will go away, leaving a huge hand, the people of Africa] do not condone this attitude.
>"As a stimulus to spur African labor on behalf of the greed and ambition, had to resort to fear" is the.
>How to solve the crude, was often violent.
>Forced labor has been incorporated to achieve the objectives of the government and provoke the workers chiefs.
>In some regions, the early introduction of forced labor in particular, hut tax and poll tax was introduced, could also be transferred to work to pay it.
>Voltaic If a person is not conquered from France in six thousand nine hundred eighty-one, and taxation is introduced, initially tried to expand production and public, young people in Gorudo_Kosuto soon I started looking for a seasonal wage labor.
>As a result, during the hundred years since one hundred ninety-one six thousand and ninety-one, jumped to three times the tax is.
(p.693-694/ユネスコ・アフリカの歴史 第7巻 上巻/責任編集宮 下正興/同朋舎出版/ISBN 4-8104-0736-5)

>Downfall of the handicraft industry in India is reflected in the decline of towns and cities were famous for handicrafts.
>The decline of traditional industries, such as the United Kingdom and Western Europe, resulting in the industry with the development of modern machine-made because there was no tragedy is even more aggravated.
>As a result, craftsmen lost their jobs, their jobs were found for each worker.
>The only choice left to them was to rush to agriculture.
>British domination broke the balance of economic life in the village.
>As we are gradually destroying the rural handicraft industry, which breaks the bond between agriculture and cottage industries were found in rural areas, have contributed to the collapse of the rural economy and thus self-sufficient.
>Hundreds of thousands of farmers had been living in the sum of spinning and weaving and the extra time is now, had to be entirely dependent on farming.
>The peasants were a little weak to hold the land and farm workers lost their traditional livelihoods of millions of rural artisans on the other hand.
>The pressure was spurred against the general population and land.

(2) Creation of a disposable labor force that can
>Nineteenth century mortality is almost unheard of in the year five thousand one hundred ninety-one, the British consul and Principe Islands San_Tome are contract workers in their place, one hundred one hundred per hundred argued that there is a mortality rate of hundred people.
>The labor force is calculated in the railway from Brazzaville to the coast of the year two thousand two hundred ninety-one while this same ratio.
>The ratio of the latter case, when the railroad laid before the First World War, Cameroon, in contrast with the ratio of people per Yes Yes Yes Yes fifty-one time.
(p.695/ユネスコ・アフリカの歴史 第7巻 上巻/責任編集宮 下正興/同朋舎出版/ISBN 4-8104-0736-5)

>British ruled India, characterizing the final result of their economic policies and there was extreme poverty prevalent between the people of India.
>Poverty of the people, the series culminated in a famine swept across India in the late nineteenth century.
>The first famine arose in the western United Provinces over Tsu-hundred to six hundred eighty-one 1961, lives lost more than twenty million people.
>The years 1865-66 are Orissa, Bengal, Bihar, Madras famine struck, approximately two million people lost their lives.
>Killed one hundred million people of Orissa alone.
>Famine years of 1886-70, the western United Provinces, Bombay, more than 1.4 million killed in the Punjab.
>Many of the large clan of the Kingdom of the damaged boot Tanner at this time, lost one third of a quarter of the population.
>Perhaps the worst famine in India, 1876-78 Madras between 1995, Mysore, Haidarabado, Maharashtra, western union, occurred in Punjab.
>800 000 people in Maharashtra, Madras on about 3.5 million people lost their lives.
>Mysore has lost 20 percent of the population in the United Provinces were sacrificed more than 1.2 million people.
>National drought causes famine years of 1896-97, affected more than 95 million people, nearly killed them 450-0000.
>Over the final blow to the famine of 1899-1900 years immediately devastation ranged widely.
>Efforts of the authorities vainly tried to protect human life under the provisions relating to famine relief, more than 2.5 million lost their lives.
>In addition to these famine, famine and food shortages were a frequent region.
>British journalist, William Digubi is a famine that occurred between 1901 from 1854, estimated that 2.885 million people were killed as well.
>The 1943 famine claimed the lives of approximately 3 million Bengal.
>The accompanying loss of life and a number of these funds, which suggests how deeply you were rooted poverty and hunger in India.

Given the above cases, for example, while maintaining the tax or income tax or inheritance tax on the wealthy, while you hike the sales tax that could almost be an effective enclosure.

And colonization, or enclosure that is not globally applicable.

From this, I know not of what is happening in America now? That is,

America is about to be colonized.

What you are trying to colonize the American country?
Question that may emerge.
Colonization country do we need?
India was colonized by a private company called the East India Company.
Suzerain of the colony is not necessary for The colonial countries.

Colonialism and the way that?
Colonialism and do not of a kind of feudalism?

Occurred simultaneously with the rise of capitalism and the decline of feudalism, is to chip away the autonomy of farmers are violent, working class was thrown without a means of survival in addition to seeking wage labor.
(p.496/ユネスコ・アフリカの歴史 第7巻 下巻/責任編集 宮下正興/同朋舎出版/ISBN 4-8104-0736-5)

That's a mistake?
>Gentleman Gentleman by people who are not (the people), the rule of construction, the mid-nineteenth century, extended the time to influence the so-called industrial capital layer is complete and the industrial revolution did not change essentially.
>However, due to changes in economic structure and will this time, more land was the major form of asset class and security.
>Gentleman's principal, the security holders from landlords, and that is going to shift to the city. Economic activity was inherited as a wealthy landowner and to holders of such securities, the "gentlemanly capitalism" call.
>These financial activities of the city, from Lancashire and Midoranzu manufacturing industry, the world - especially foreign governments and foreign companies - from that target, the structure of the dominant gentleman was not readily associate with imperialism.
(p.014/新版 世界各国史 11 イギリス史/編者 河北稔/山川出版社/ISBN 4-636-41410-4)

The decline of feudalism is not it or not? Or not it changed?
From land-based feudalism
The feudal class and based on securities.
And today's corporate shareholders, or not of a feudal lord?

The commercial feudalism
And colonialism, or that it's not a commercial-based feudalism?

Since well, or not easy to understand the status of the age of imperialism and colonialism era?
Age of imperialism and colonial era, an era I was not a commercial turf war their feudal lords?

What is the feudal?
Feudal system and refers to the master-servant relationship with a broker to compel obedience unilateral concessions to those who take the life-and-death power held.

Capital to build a relationship master-servant relationship.
Shareholders' rights to life-and-death power companies to grasp.
Companies say the feudal system of sorts.

"1%" We are wealthy in their corporate shareholders and managers.
"1%" of what the wealthy who do not say a kind of feudal lords.
And I think in the same situation has happened time and age of imperialism and colonialism.

Feudal lords to fight what can I do?
You must have weapon.
Fight with weapons and some feudal lords?
This is the same weapon has been used for the dominant feudal lords. So.

Is money.

What is a double-edged sword weapon.
The use if things change, there may be facing in the opposite brunt.
That is,
"99%", and using the money, the brunt of the attack, "1%" of the cast structure is dominated by.

However, the "1%", unlike "99%" with the power of money is insignificant.
"1%" to fight the "99%" have to joined forces with the money. There


Fund to invest the money collected.
"1%" the same as "99%" is the ability to do together.
I tried named as follows.

National Political Fund

That money is "1%" as a weapon for offhand weapon used by "99%" is "1%" to mount a power game.
This is a feature of this fund.
What do you think?

Dear 99% including everyone of Wall Street occupied

The fund was established to How do you?

Counter Colonial Business

v(^o^)v daisy Chun Jiuqien
( x ) daisy ICQ:38969410
m m=* daisy e-mail:chunjiuqien@infoseek.jp

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