International Political Fund (English)
I am going to remark my consideration to the Political Fund, which I proposed in "OCCUPY WALL STREET BY MONEY".
1. International Political Fund It seems desirable that, Political Fund is established as Global Company, in advance. Reason: It is conceivable that, there are cases that Political Fund associates Global Company. I named this Fund as follow. IPF International Political Fund 2. The superiority of IPF in Supervising for Company compare and State It is conceivable that, IPF is superior than State in Supervising for Company. Reason: (1)Free from the limitations of Government (2)Don't lead to the drain of Company (3)Free from the boundary of State (1)Free from the limitations of Government >Counselor housing problem, Virginia Pratt of NPO, "ESAC" of Massachusetts involved in the relief of people who have a bankruptcy in issues such as sub-prime loans, the way of financial institutions forced the sub-prime loans targeting low-income earners way to express that anger. >Is a vulture like ". To immigrants who have recently entered without any calendar credit card, three percent of five families of Hispanic circulated to financial institutions of personal information does not even have a bank account in the first place. Of these people our salesman of financial institutions. distribution map of the "duck" if you add a project based on the map mark is not looking at that. a turn in the solicitation that it is not pin-point to see it. " >Solicitation and the resulting status quo through these financial institutions, there is a drawback that is also very difficult to grasp the actual status from the federal government. What has been quick guide to the top of how much the institutions where any complaint, he quite difficult to study because the opponent is a private company. >(p.7-p.8/Poverty Superpower America/Mika Tsutsumi/Iwanami Shoten, Publishers./ISBN 978-4-00-431112-6) ( (Google 翻訳: Following is above origenal text. >サブプライムローン問題などで自己破産をした人々の救済に携わるマサチューセッツ州のNPO、「ESAC」の住宅問題カウンセラー、バージニア・プラットは、低所得者を狙ってサブプライムローンを押しつけた金融機関のやり方を怒りを込めてこう表現する。 >「まるでハゲタカです。最近入ってきた移民たちにはクレジットカード利用暦もなく、ヒスパニック系の家族の三五%はそもそも銀行口座すら持っていません。こういう人たちの個人情報が金融機関に出回っているんです。それを見ながら地図上に印をつければ、「カモ」の分布図ができあがる。金融機関の営業マンたちはそれを見てピンポイントで勧誘に回るというわけです」 > これらの金融機関による勧誘やその結果による現状は、連邦政府側からも非常に実態がつかみにくいという難点がある。どこの機関にどんな苦情がどれだけ寄せられているのかは、相手が民間企業であるためなかなか調査しにくいのだ。 >(p.7-p.8/ルポ貧困大国アメリカ/堤未果/岩波書店/ISBN 978-4-00-431112-6) Even the U.S. Government difficult to inspect Private Company, as you see. But, Stockholder can inspect Private Company, using Capital. Accordingly, It is conceivable that, IPF is superior than State in Supervising for Company. (2)Don't lead to the drain of Company >A merchant, it has been said very properly, is not necessarily the citizen of any particular country. It is in a great measure indifferent to him from what place he carries on his trade; and a very trifling disgust will make him remove his capital, and, together with it, all the industry which it supports, from one country to another. ( >An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith - Project Gutenberg Capital has no national boundaries. Even if a company move to Foreign Countries, the Capital don't be affected. So, it is nonsense to move to Foreign Countries, even if feel wrong about supervision by Fund. Accordingly, It is conceivable that, IPF Don't lead to the drain of Company. (3)Free from the boundary of State >Just as not counted the number of temporary employees has fallen under the umbrella of Halliburton, also "mercenaries" of Blackwater, but invisible presence in another way. >To "mercenaries" of the company was sent to Iraq less than a legally binding monitoring. Even if there have been inhumane act in centimeters even if they, in international law that the judge would be impossible. In current law, only the Department of Defense contractors bear a part of the military service abroad, has become subject to the law in the United States. Blackwater from its main business is such that security, because it entered into a contract with the State Department and Department of Defense rather than the crime of employees is also being removed from the subject of court-martial. >(p.170/Poverty Superpower America/Mika Tsutsumi/Iwanami Shoten, Publishers./ISBN 978-4-00-431112-6) ( (Google 翻訳: Following is above origenal text. >ハリバートン社傘下の派遣社員が戦死者数に数えられないのと同様、ブラックウォーター社の「傭兵」もまた、別の意味で目に見えない存在だ。 >イラクに派遣された同社の「傭兵」には監視も法的拘束もかからない。たとえ彼らが戦地で非人道的行為を行ったとしても、国際法で裁くことは不可能になる。現行の法律では、海外で軍務の一部を負う国防総省の契約業者だけが、アメリカ国内法の適用対象となっている。ブラックウォーター社はその主要業務が警備であることなどから、国防総省とではなく国務省と契約を結んでいるため、社員の犯罪は軍法会議の対象からも外されるのだ。 >(p.170/ルポ貧困大国アメリカ/堤未果/岩波書店/ISBN 978-4-00-431112-6) State lacks ability to supervise Global Company, as you see. Company don't be bound to the frame of border. First of all, it is mistake to entrust State which limited exercise of sovereignty by border line, it would be a deferent if it is the age which the foreign trade wasn't developed, in this Global Age. Accordingly, an another mechanism disparate from state is needed, as an Actor supervise Global Company. So, how should we do? Seize Capital. There is this plan. Fund sizes Capital. Accordingly, It is conceivable that, Fund can supervise Companies freely from national border. (1)Free from the limitations of Government (2)Don't lead to the drain of Company (3)Free from the boundary of State Base on following 3 points, It is conceivable that, IPF is superior than State in Supervising for Company. 3. National Political Fund NPF(National Political Fund), which I mentioned in "OCCUPY WALL STREET BY MONEY", needs for the Restrictions on foreign investment measure. Because, it is conceivable that, there are cases which Restrictions on foreign investment inhibit the supervision over companies by IPF. But, if there is a kind of Political Fund, which has the position of Domestic Company, then this kind of Political Fund can avoid Restrictions on foreign investment. It is "National Political Fund(NPF)". To sum up, in order to avoid Restrictions on foreign investment, NPF is needed. 4. A suggestion about the course of action of Political Fund >Economic Disparity Correction To achieve this political aims utilize Political Fund Chun Jiuqien relied on three methods: (1)Manager Dumping (2)Doctrine of Lapse (3)the system of Subsidiary Alliances (1)Manager Dumping Have a audition for Manager. This is the introduction of the market mechanism in Manager selection Make Manager applicants selected in advance, present a amount of reward, then employ the applicant who presented the lowest reward. Manager Dumping is a part of cost cuts. The high reward for Manager is disadvantage for Stockholder. That is the reason why the high reward for Manager reduce the Surplus allocated for dividend. And so, introduce the market mechanism in Executive compensation. The competition among Manager applicants should make possible to employ high cost performance Manager, who is higher capable and lower reward. The aim of Manager Dumping is that, introduce the market mechanism among Managers, and cause a Dumping Competition. It is conceivable that, it will be able to shift the decrease share from the high reward for Manager, to Surplus, in order to increase dividend for Stockholder. In addition, it will be better that make an agent of Political Fund side, slip into Manager applicants. The prevention of cartel is the purpose of it. Political Fund makes the Political Fund side agent preset the amount of reward, which the Political Fund judges right. It is conceivable that, it will be able to expect that this plan can inhibit high reward for Manager. the Doctrine of Lapse Political Fund prescribe the disparity between employee and Manager, the company which the Political Fund holds stocks. the Political Fund fire the Manager who received the reward higher than the regulation, or force the Manager cut itself its own reward. the Political Fund request to accept the regulation the company which the Political Fund don't holds stocks too. In this case, What kind of pretext should the Political Fund use to request? Finally, Chun Jiuqien hit upon the idea of alleviating the plight of the employees of the target company. If the target company reject the request, then the Political Fund regret to hope accept the regulation the company, intermediate the financial institution and the company which the Political Fund holds stocks, utilize finance and business. It is conceivable that, this plan will make possibly to exercise influences on the unlisted enterprise. (3)the system of Subsidiary Alliances While the practice of helping a Board of directors with a paid agent of Political Fund. Under its Subsidiary Alliance system, the Board of directors of the target company was compelled to accept the permanent stationing of the agent of Political Fund within its Board of directors and to pay a subsidy for its maintenance. The Subsidiary Alliance system was, on the other hand, extremely advantageous to the Political Funds. They could now maintain a large fund at the cost of the Target Company. They were eabled to fight Stockholder' meeting far away from the Political Fund's own group, since any Stockholders' meeting would occur in the company either of the Political Fund's ally or of the Political Fund's enemy. Furthermore, Political Fund allocates dividends to another purchase of stocks. It makes be able to possible to increase influence upon target company, by the Surplus of the target company itself. Moreover, even if there are the Stockholder who compete against Political Fund, they cannot help allocating the share of dividends, which position for their spending. It is conceivable that, this plan will be able to impoverish the Stockholder who compete against Political Fund. That's all. Studies in Methodology for Tribalism *********************************************** v(^o^)v daisy Chun Jiuqien ( x ) daisy ICQ:38969410 m m=* daisy *********************************************** |
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